100% naturel, 100% plaisir. 3 échantillons gratuits à chaque commande !

Du thé livré chez toi!


Passe en boutique et savoure nos boissons réconfortantes.

Une pause bien méritée!

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Mystea believes in...

The power of teamwork

Healthy products
for body and mind

A company that does
pay attention to the Earth

Our services

Why choose Mystea

Environmentally friendly

From the outset, Mystea has been committed to reducing its environmental impact. All our containers are compostable or reusable!

Local and Family

Founded in Sherbrooke, Mystea is a family business and treats its employees like family too! We're proud to have Prêts-à-boire made 100% in Quebec to promote buying local.

No artificial flavors

All our teas are 100% natural and contain no artificial flavourings!

Dairy free

Our loose teas and herbal teas are dairy-free. So there's no need to worry about intolerances.

Nut free

At Mystea, no tea or herbal tea contains nuts. What's more, there's no nut milk at the take-away counter, making us an entirely nut-free store (although we are not certified nut-free).


All our teas, herbal teas, ready-to-drink teas and even fusion bubbles are vegan. We also offer 2 types of plant-based milk at the take-away counter.


Add our products to your menu. We offer you 100% natural teas and herbal teas with the possibility of personalized products.

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Hire our dynamic team for all kinds of events. Festivals, private events, etc.

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Owner Anne Ricard, a tea sommelier certified by the Tea and Herbal Tea Association of Canada, offers a wide range of workshops.

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Selling points

Sell Mystea in your store! Our representative will guide you to the best offer for you!


Frequently asked questions

Whether you are curious about our products, our points of sale, or our preparation tips, we are here to enlighten all aspects of your experience with our teas and herbal teas.

13 autres questions fréquemment posées. See other questions

Our customer support is available Monday to Friday: 9:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.Average response time: 24 hours
Contact us